NaftaSCADA is a universal supervisory control and data acquisition software designed to collect, organize and analyze data coming from remote Rod Pump controllers and any other oilfield objects like pump stations. The system provides full well control, contains modern software for analysis of all parameters for each well, as well as remote control and flexible tuning.
NaftaSCADA is a universal supervisory control and data acquisition software designed to collect, organize and analyze data coming from remote Rod Pump controllers and any other oilfield objects like pump stations. The system provides full well control, contains modern software for analysis of all parameters for each well, as well as remote control and flexible tuning.
NaftaSCADA provides full well control (startup, shutdown, parameter downloads, etc.) and remote access to RPC functions, such as switching control modes, changing work parameters, analysing dynagraph cards etc.
Software automaticaly signals when critical parameter goes outside set limits and provides automatic alarm/shutdown sorting. Data history graphs with trends of efficiency, runtime, production or daily reports are provided by NaftaSCADA in graphical form. Valuable part of system is card viewer screen which collects, displays and analyses dynagraph cards.
NaftaSCADA contains modern algorithms for analysis of production data, cards and all other parameters for every well. Number of wells controlled by NaftaSCADA is scalable – it can be used to automate oil fields with few wells or with thousands of wells (up to 10000 wells). Wells can be grouped according to different parameters or according to geographical groups like operators or fields.
NaftaSCADA has user-friendly and easy to use user interface for personnel with any level of experience.Interface, that can be accessed without installation of auxiliary programs.
High performance hardware of WellSim controllers and complex software of NaftaSCADA that allows monitoring, diagnosing and tuning operations of controlled wells in real-time.
NaftaSCADA multilevel access allows staff to monitor and control oil production process including change and adjustment of automatic modes and browse collected statistical data.
NaftaSCADA is using web-based GUI allowing access from remote computer without specific software using only internet browser. That technology also allows to use mobile devices to gain access to full spectrum of functions and historical data (surface cards, downhole cards, wattmeter cards etc.). When switching from one well to another selected information will refresh automatically in objects tree.
NaftaSCADA provides set of technologist tools such as 3D analysis of well rods and counterweight balancing assistant. Also there is a possibility to set register map for processing of data from other objects and auxiliary wellhead equipment (echo sounder, pressure gauge etc.). It can be configured to send collected data to controller and then to NaftaSCADA. This feature allows to use registers other that default ones, that makes connection of third-party systems available.